Terms and Conditions for Outdoor Tribe wellbeing, mindfulness and other activities

We try to keep our terms and conditions straightforward. We hope you will agree that what we set out here provides clear guidelines of what you can expect from us and what we, in return, expect from you.

Payment for sessions

Payment in advance by BACS transfer or cheque is required to secure your place and is required in advance of session(s) being run

Cancellation by Session Leader

Our sessions carry on in all weathers, excepting those.considered to pose an adverse risk, such as high winds or thunderstorms. In such an event the session will be rearranged.
If the session leader has to cancel due to illness or unforeseen circumstances then the session will be rearranged and a refund provided if the new date does not work for any individual booked onto the original session..

Cancellation by session attendee

Cancellation with expectation of a refund for a booked session must be made at least 10 days before the date to allow enough time for others on the waiting list to be given the opportunity to attend. If cancellation is made within 10 days you will be not receive a refund but will be offered a future session date.

Medical issues

We ask adults attending our Tree Therapy sesisons and other Nature Connections sessions to complete a short medical form providing an emergency contact number and details about any  medical conditions or allergies that would be important to know about in case of an emergency. We have a qualified First Aider in attendance at all sessions but it is the responsibility of attendees to bring any prescribed mediation they might possibly require, such as an inhaler or epi-pen..

Communicating physical difficulties or emotional challenges

It is up to attendees to assess whether the level of risk associated with any activity they engage with is appropriate in relation to their physical ability or emotional challenges. To enable us to manage risk most effectively it is the responsibility of attendees to disclose any physical difficulty or emotional challenge that might raise the level of physical or emotional risk to themselves or others during Outdoor Tribe sessions. If you communicate your situation to us we will then be able to adapt activities to lower potential risk related to your physical difficulty or emotional challenge that is present for you at the time of attending a session.

In the case of young people under the age of 18 it is the responsibility of parents/carer/guardian to communicate any physical difficulties or emotional challenges that might raise the level of risk to themselves or others through the young person participating in activities provided during Outdoor Tribe sessions

Knowing what kit is the right for a wild woodland environment

Suitable clothing, for the environment and the weather are really important. The following has been prepared as a guide.

Suitable clothing

  • Long sleeved T-Shirt or shirt
  • Fleecy top or jumper
  • Long trousers
  • Closed shoes/ waterproof boots
  • Waterproof coat
  • Hat
  • Gloves

Unsuitable clothing

  • Short sleeved T-shirts (bare arms can get stung by nettles)
  • Shorts (bare kegs can be scratched and stung
  • Leggings (too thin to provide proper protection from brambles/nettles)
  • Sandals
  • Crocs or similar type footwear (soles do not provide adequate protection)


We have policies and procedures related to safeguarding for both clients and staff, which we can provide for you to read on request. If you have any questions relating to safeguarding in relation to a child or vulnerable adult then please contact us. We provide confidentiality in relation to information shared with us by  service-users, except in circumstances where disclosure makes it a legal obligation to share information with appropriate professionals.

Feedback and Concerns

We encourage all participants and carers/parents to give us feedback about their experience at any of our sessions. We actively encourage a two-way conversation about anything that has caused/is causing concern. Feedback can be given verbally, in person, by telephone, or in writing by email.

We aim to be as open, honest and as straightforward as possible with carers/parents in order to maintain a constructive two way flow of communication.