Terms and conditions for Level 3 training

WIN Level 3 Training 

Terms & Conditions

By booking on the training, students agree that:

1.  They will have the correct entry requirements for the Level 3 training.

2. Once accepted onto the course they are required to make payment for at least the first instalment payment of £299.00. 

3. Barring unexpected circumstances, the student agrees to attend all the course elements and fully complete the training according to the timetable provided and agree to commit the time requirement for completing 30 hours of training, delivered via online teaching sessions, 2 residential days at our base in East Northants and to commit to the required100 hours of additional study/reading time.

4.  If a student does not complete the full scope and criteria of the course they will not be entitled to reimbursement of any costs paid to Outdoor Tribe CIC and in such a scenario their work cannot be submitted for assessment towards certification.

5. Students undertake to ensure that they have the necessary insurance cover, enhanced DBS disclosure and suitable First Aid qualification for the client groups they will be working with, in place prior to running their 6 practical sessions for assessment.

6.  Students must make Outdoor Tribe CIC aware of any issue with or medical reason that will impact on them participating in any of the activities listed below:

  • Use of hand tools
  • Woodland conservation tasks
  • Reflective and sensory mindfulness-based activities

7. Students must attend the residential sessions with personal safety clothing that is suitable for working in a woodland environment. Steel capped safety boots are recommended. 

8. Students understand that practical assessments beyond a 50-mile radius of the training venue will incur an additional charge of £85 plus £0.45 pence per mile. N.B. It is possible to be assessed through submitting video evidence

9. If a student needs to cancel their place before starting a course they must submit a request by email 1 month before commencement of training. Thereafter there will be no refunds made.

10. Outdoor Tribe CIC has the right to cancel the training course if there are insufficient numbers but such cancellation will be no later than four weeks prior to the start of the training. In that case 100% of any course fees paid will be refunded or can be put towards the next course to run.

11. Students are required to compile appropriate health and safety documentation and policies necessary for running Wellbeing in Nature programmes, including risk assessments for all activities delivered in the 6 assessment sessions.

12. Students are required to deliver 6 WIN sessions, of a minimum of 3 hours duration, with a small group of adults in an outdoor setting. 

13. The Assessor has the right to suspend the assessment under the following conditions:

  • In the event that the necessary paperwork cannot be provided at the time of the assessment, then the assessment can be suspended.
  • If during the assessment there is evidence of unsafe practice (in the Assessor’s opinion) then the assessment may be suspended immediately.
  • A re-assessment date will then be arranged separately, but this will involve an additional cost to the candidate.

14. Video assessments need to be discussed on an case by case basis with the trainer who will advise on what aspects will be required to be filmed, in ways that support possible issues concerning permission and also maintaining confidentiality of participants.


If a student is unable to attend any one of the scheduled elements or parts of the training course, they will be expected to attend the element missed, on a following course .

15. In addition to teaching delivered online and on a 2-day residential, 4 hours of individual training/guidance will be provided.  

16. If there are concerns about the student’s attendance for training delivery, home study, safe practices, behaviour or commitment to the course in general; our trainer may need to contact the head of the organisation who has paid the course fees to discuss the situation. Where possible, the student will be made aware that this is going to take place.

Marking of Coursework

17. Students will be given hand-in dates for coursework and are expected to meet these deadlines. Students will need to contact the trainer, at the earliest opportunity, if an extension is required.  The coursework is marked by our trainer who will assess the suitability of the student’s evidence against each of the assessment criteria in line with the requirements from Agored. Feedback will be given to students on their standard of work, as they progress through the course. This feedback will also highlight if any further work is needed in order to bring any coursework up to the required standard for a Level 3 qualification. Students are given three opportunities to resubmit, having been given clear deadlines, to bring their coursework to the required standard, fulfilling the assessment criteria set by Agored for each question. 

18. Answers generated by AI will be rejected and assessment tools will be used to check, in this regard. NB – AI can be helpful for ‘starting points’ but student answers must demonstrate appropriate breadth and depth of own reading and research.

19. If a student has submitted incomplete or sub-standard coursework and does not provide any resubmission by the deadline given, Outdoor Tribe CIC will keep the student’s portfolio ‘open’ for up to 1 year. It is the student’s responsibility to  make contact with the trainer, in good time, to discuss a further extension or will need to agree they are not going to complete the coursework and therefore not achieve the WIN Level 3 qualification. Students must accept that no refunds for course fees already paid will be made in the event that coursework is not completed.

20. Students will only be put forward for certification when:

  • They have participated in all the taught elements of the training
  • They have completed a coursework portfolio, answering all questions as set out in the student handbook to the standard required by Agored.
  • Demonstrated that they have engaged in research and further reading commensurate with course requirements.

21. The final decision on submission of a candidate for qualification and certification rests with Outdoor Tribe CIC (subject to the Complaints/Appeals Procedure below).

Complaints and Appeals

If a student wishes to make a complaint about any element of the training or wishes to appeal an assessment judgement, they can be referred by Outdoor Tribe CIC to the Training coordinator, who acts as our IQA,  cathyvelmans@smallwoods.org.uk  


Outdoor Tribe has Public Liability Insurance in relation to working with clients and students face to face and Professional Indemnity insurance in relation to delivering training.

Outdoor Tribe reserves the right to modify/change these terms and conditions without notice. This document was last modified in May 2024