What to do next

To express interest for your child or children to attend sessions for Forest School (3 -11 years) please complete and submit the form.

Nature Ninja awards are particularly suitable for children who sometimes find group interactions difficult to cope with, are suitable for all ages and abilities. If Nature Ninja Awards would be of benefit to your child please also complete and submit the form.

If you have any questions or concerns about suitability of sessions for your child please don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and speak to me, Susan Collini on 01933 623198 or phone/text 007483 234109 and start a conversation.


£25 per child for individual sessions
£125 per child for block of 6 sessions 


Forest School/Nature Ninja Awards

6 + 14 =

Group of children and adults toasting bread over a fire

map of oxlip wood

group of children kneeling on the ground