Therapy for trees

Small trees have been planted in the woodland by visiting groups of children as part of its long-term restoration after decades of neglect. However, as time goes by the young trees become swamped by tall grasses, the odd bramble creeping in and they can get blown over by the wind.

The poor trees can’t free themselves or stand up again without help. You can almost hear them calling out for some TLC to boost their health and wellbeing.

Therapy for people

These sessions benefit both trees and people, in that the act of providing therapy for the trees delivers low-key therapy for those involved, with the objective of increasing their health and wellbeing of both.

Are these sessions suitable for me?

Any adult aged 18 or over who is physically able to walk in the wild woodland. If you are in a wheelchair or have trouble walking there are still possible ways you can join in too, so don’t be put off.

How long do these sessions last

The sessions are for 2 hours  between 10.00 a.m. and 12 noon.

How much do these sessions cost

There is a minimal charge of £3 per person that goes, as a small contribution, towards Insurance, First Aid and session resources including a hot drink and a snack (cake/biscuits)

Who runs these sessions

The Tree Therapy sessions are led by Susan Collini, a qualified Social Forester, Forest School Leader and therapist.

What we do

The group provides therapy for the trees (trimming back herbage impacting their growth potential). You will also get involved in therapy for the wider woodland environment by helping to create/manage wildlife habitats and measuring biodiversity through surveys of trees, plants, birds and insects.

Also, importantly, a bit of a social, enjoying tea/coffee, enjoying a chat and usually a good laugh with others is excellent low-key therapy for helping us all feel more smiley inside!

These gentle, fun sessions are modelled on the 5-ways to wellbeing, which involves:

Getting active (caring for the woodland environment involves gentle walking, bending and stretching)

Being social (You’ll be with other people, helping free the trees, and at the end of the session you can enjoy a bit of a social with tea/coffee/biscuits).

Learning something new (there’s always something new to learn as the seasons turn).

Caring for the Environment (it’s all about habitat management to benefit the trees, birds, butterflies and animals that make the woodland their home).

Giving back (being involved in something to benefit another, whether plant or human, can really help you feel better in yourself).

How do I join

Fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you for a chat about what goes on and whether you feel these sessions could be something you would enjoy being a part of.

Find out more – start a conversation

We’ll then be able to contact you for a short no-obligation chat

Tree Therapy Sessions

7 + 10 =

line of people in woodland
child with muddy hands
group of adults in woodland
four boys looking into hole in tree trunk